No Matches
td::td_api::preliminaryUploadFile Class Referencefinal

Inherits td::td_api::Function.

Public Types

using ReturnType = object_ptr< file >
 Typedef for the type returned by the function.

Public Member Functions

 preliminaryUploadFile ()
 preliminaryUploadFile (object_ptr< InputFile > &&file_, object_ptr< FileType > &&file_type_, int32 priority_)
std::int32_t get_id () const final
void store (TlStorerToString &s, const char *field_name) const final
- Public Member Functions inherited from td::TlObject
virtual void store (TlStorerUnsafe &s) const
virtual void store (TlStorerCalcLength &s) const
 TlObject ()=default
 TlObject (const TlObject &)=delete
TlObjectoperator= (const TlObject &)=delete
 TlObject (TlObject &&)=default
TlObjectoperator= (TlObject &&)=default
virtual ~TlObject ()=default

Public Attributes

object_ptr< InputFilefile_
 File to upload.
object_ptr< FileTypefile_type_
 File type; pass null if unknown.
int32 priority_
 Priority of the upload (1-32). The higher the priority, the earlier the file will be uploaded. If the priorities of two files are equal, then the first one for which preliminaryUploadFile was called will be uploaded first.

Static Public Attributes

static const std::int32_t ID = 1894239129
 Identifier uniquely determining a type of the object.

Detailed Description

Preliminary uploads a file to the cloud before sending it in a message, which can be useful for uploading of being recorded voice and video notes. Updates updateFile will be used to notify about upload progress and successful completion of the upload. The file will not have a persistent remote identifier until it will be sent in a message.

Returns object_ptr<File>.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ preliminaryUploadFile() [1/2]

td::td_api::preliminaryUploadFile::preliminaryUploadFile ( )

Default constructor for a function, which preliminary uploads a file to the cloud before sending it in a message, which can be useful for uploading of being recorded voice and video notes. Updates updateFile will be used to notify about upload progress and successful completion of the upload. The file will not have a persistent remote identifier until it will be sent in a message.

Returns object_ptr<File>.

◆ preliminaryUploadFile() [2/2]

td::td_api::preliminaryUploadFile::preliminaryUploadFile ( object_ptr< InputFile > &&  file_,
object_ptr< FileType > &&  file_type_,
int32  priority_ 

Creates a function, which preliminary uploads a file to the cloud before sending it in a message, which can be useful for uploading of being recorded voice and video notes. Updates updateFile will be used to notify about upload progress and successful completion of the upload. The file will not have a persistent remote identifier until it will be sent in a message.

Returns object_ptr<File>.

[in]file_File to upload.
[in]file_type_File type; pass null if unknown.
[in]priority_Priority of the upload (1-32). The higher the priority, the earlier the file will be uploaded. If the priorities of two files are equal, then the first one for which preliminaryUploadFile was called will be uploaded first.

Member Function Documentation

◆ get_id()

std::int32_t td::td_api::preliminaryUploadFile::get_id ( ) const

Returns identifier uniquely determining a type of the object.


Implements td::TlObject.

◆ store()

void td::td_api::preliminaryUploadFile::store ( TlStorerToString &  s,
const char *  field_name 
) const

Helper function for to_string method. Appends string representation of the object to the storer.

[in]sStorer to which object string representation will be appended.
[in]field_nameObject field_name if applicable.

Implements td::TlObject.

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